We pride ourselves on delivering fine craftsmanship using only the highest grade of materials.

Seeing is believing
You know what you want, and you have a clear vision of the end result. But does your designer and carpenter have the same vision as you?
Our 3D design service makes your dream home a reality, in digital form. You get to see the end result without any of the uncertainty and definitely without waiting for months on end.
And most importantly, your designer and carpenter are on the same page as you.

In the eye of the beholder
We all have our own way of seeing beauty and function, where you see form and function someone else may see beauty.
Our designer will work with you to bring out both the form and function of your vision.
Using your space and colour palette, combined with expert tips and advice on international trends, you’re sure to get a design that is functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Resolving Uncertainty
We all have to contend with uncertainty in one way or another. Not knowing what’s going to happen and what is happening, can be the roadblock that stops us from moving forward.
So how do we overcome uncertainty?
When you partner with us, we create a project brief: a description of what will happen and when it will take place. During your project, we keep you updated on current progress: what has been completed and what we’re currently working on, keeping our communication with you regular and interactive.

Craftsmanship, from seed to furniture
The great thing about experience is that you get the “grown up” version of ourselves. We’ve learnt from our experiences and continuously improve on our craft.
The more the merrier: our wide range of suppliers, from wood to nails and everything in between, offer you a diverse choice of material, from local and international manufacturers.
Your design and final product can be as bespoke or functional as you wish.
Social media, stay in touch with updates
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